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A member registered Aug 08, 2020

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Connections can't be broken once they're made.

Some levels were tedious, or a bit misleading, but others were really well designed and enjoyable. (My favorite level was crowd control) The art, music, and content is totally off the charts otherwise, and are above comment. That boss was such a pleasant surprise, how on earth did you have time for that? Looking forward to seeing this in the top 20, or higher.

Thanks for your input! This is valuable feedback. You're absolutley right, after seeing some folks play the game, there are many things I would change about the levels now.

Satisfying and interesting control scheme, with more strategy to it than it seems at first. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, to be honest. Glad I played this!

Clever idea. The basic levels were a little slow, but once I tried the randomizer and got my hands on the minigun I had a pretty good time. Glad I played this!

Nice to see a pico 8 game. Cutscenes, sound effects and even a bit of narrative are rare commodities here. Nice job!

5 stars across the board

Good execution and a wild idea. Nothing else matters. +5 brownie points for mike wazowski.

Cool concept and awesome execution! Pretty simple though, not very long-lasting. Good starting point.

A good idea galvanized by amazing combat AI and a good presentation. With a higher density of enemies, this would have been a blast (I wandered a lot more than I fought), but as is it was a lot of fun.

There were some nasty bugs, admittedly. Couldn't open the shop after a restart, and when an enemy lands on you there's a chance you instantly die. But that didn't matter to me much, because this game is legitimately really fun, and that's not something I can say for much of what I've seen so far. I'm glad I played this! (Good polish and presentation too)

I feel like I've seen this mechanic a few times before, but the execution here makes it feel fresh. Awesome job with that. I The only main thing I would change would be the speed of the game. Getting through the longer walks in the levels felt especially slow when I had to do it twice.

Really satisfying animations, player control feels good. Movement on the platforms feels a little tedious, but the level is short and well designed. Overall, one of the best I've seen so far.

The main challenge of the game is not knowing the spawn locations of the enemies, which makes levels basically trial and error. However, the art was pretty good and the UI was beautiful.

The mechanic can be tricky to figure out, but the game develops well with it (outside of some janky bomb physics). Great aesthetic, fluid controls. Good game!

Unity physics can be difficult, and transitions between modes sometimes failed, but while It worked correctly the game was real fast-paced fun! The controls felt nice, and the sounds were satisfying.

I wasn't sure how the cages worked. My first assumption was that each time a switch was pulled, they would all swap collision, but that seemed to be inconsistent. Also, it isn't super clear that the floor would stick together with the extra piece connecting them. These didn't stop me from finishing the game or having a good time though, so it's not a biggie.

Awesome concept! Some of the levels I found confusing, but the music, graphics, and gameplay were super enjoyable. Take a look at our game if you've the time!